Meeting Rooms
Meeting rooms at the North Hampton Public Library are intended for library programming and for public gatherings of a civic, cultural, recreational, or educational nature. Room usage is free of charge to registered non-profit organizations serving the citizens of North Hampton provided no admission fee is charged.
All meetings by non-profit organizations or citizens of North Hampton are to be open to the
public and cannot be reserved for personal use such as weddings, birthdays and other special
occasions. No admission fee, registration fee, donation or other monetary solicitation may be
sought from meeting attendees. No resources, services or other items may be sold or solicited
without written authorization of Library Administration.
The Library recognizes the rights of free speech and free assembly. Permission for a group to
use library space does not constitute an endorsement of the groups’ philosophy or objectives by
the Library.
Reservation of Meeting Rooms
Organizations & Groups
First priority of bookings of meeting room facilities will be reserved for North Hampton Public
Library programs and activities or programs sponsored by the library, and North Hampton
Scheduling of meeting rooms is on a first come, first served basis. Repeat reservations may be
limited due to high demand. Rooms must be booked at least 48 hours in advance. Recurring
weekly or monthly meetings may be booked for up to 3 months at a time. Each meeting room
must be reserved separately. Exceptions are at the discretion of Library Administration.
All registering paperwork (Meeting Request Form) must be returned to the library for review and
approval at least 48 hours before the meeting/event and confirmed by Library Administration.
To reserve a room:
1. Review NHPL’s Meeting Room Policy to ensure you meet policy criteria.
2. Visit or call the library at 603.964.6326 to check availability of the room you would like to use.
3. Return a completed meeting room application (Meeting Request Form) to the library with your signature.
4. Library Administration will review your request and contact you to confirm your request.
Same Day Drop-Ins
Those who drop-in and request to use a meeting room the same day may do so for a two-hour
period. If the room is not needed after the two-hour period has expired, they may continue to
use the room. North Hampton residents and NHPL Library cardholders will be given priority
over non-residents or non-cardholders.
Please note: Use of a library meeting room implies acceptance of all library policies, including the Meeting Room Policy, Children Policy, Patron Conduct Policy.